a - z指数


* 2024年将没有比赛


4月11日th, 2025 | TBD



The 新企业推介比赛 provides business students and entrepreneurs with an opportunity to present their ideas to 小企业主 and investors in a competitive setting. The experience also provides a valuable opportunity to network with other business professionals.

“By developing a business plan and coming up with a completely new business, you have to consider marketing and human resources and operations and finance and economics – all of that goes into it,” Dr. 本·布莱克福德,《和记娱乐ios》的导演. 和Valorie G. 布斯商学院(Booth 商学院)说. “第二, 即使他们不打算创业, they’re getting a great presentation opportunity because the judges are wonderful alumni and members of the community that have agreed to help, 而这些人将成为他们的老板, 他们的客户和同事,一旦他们毕业.”


大学生, 高中生, and members of the community interested in presenting their business ideas in a competitive setting are invited to register for the 新企业推介比赛 at 和记棋牌娱乐.

报名截止日期为2025年4月1日. 比赛将于2025年4月11日在J. W. 西北校区的琼斯学生会.

The event provides students and entrepreneurs the opportunity to present ideas to professionals, 小企业主, 以及该领域的其他从业者. It also gives students the chance to network with business professionals and gain presentation experience.

The 和记棋牌娱乐 新企业推介比赛 aims to bring together future or current entrepreneurs and 小企业主 to provide educational, 信息, 以及社交机会.



CH 2100
电子邮件: kryan@gaknavi.com


查看打印版本和评分指南 查看PDF

I. 资格


The first type is all students currently enrolled in an accredited higher education institution, 无论阶级地位如何. All members of teams entering the competition must be students at an accredited institution. The venture being presented in the pitch developed by the team is only eligible to enter the competition once and must not be attached to a business currently in operation.

第二类是现在的高中生. 所有参赛队员必须目前就读于认可的学校. 每队必须包括至少两名成员,不超过五名成员. The venture being presented in the pitch developed by the team is only eligible to enter the competition once and must not be attached to a business currently in operation.

The third type is members of the community interested in presenting their start-up business ideas in a competitive setting. The venture being presented must be a start-up idea and must not be attached to a business currently in operation.

II. 条目

入职指示即将公布. 截止日期是4月1日.

Space will be limited and applying but not competing prevents another team from having the opportunity to participate in the competition. 比赛不收报名费.

3. 规则的决定和变更

预计不会有任何变化, the committee overseeing the competition reserves the right to alter or clarify rules at its discretion. 在任何时候都应尽力遵守已公布的规则. 委员会和评委的所有决定为最终决定.

IV. 保密

Every effort will be made to limit exposure of ideas presented 在 the competition, 虽然这不能保证. 除了, the competition is open to the public and thus teams should not assume any amount of confidentiality. 法官, 工作人员, 其他竞争对手, and others in attendance will not be asked to sign confidentiality agreements. Teams will not be penalized for declining to answer a question if the answer is deemed to potentially lead to disclosure of key intellectual property.

V. 豁免与释放

法官们表达的观点, 竞争委员会, and all those associated with the competition are their own and do not represent those of 和记棋牌娱乐. Everyone associated with this competition is volunteering his or her time and are under no obligation to provide advice or services to the contestants. Contestants release all involved in the competition from any responsibility or liability arising from decisions, 反馈, 或之前提出的建议, 在, 或者在这场比赛之后.

VI. 竞争格式

比赛将包括三轮比赛. 最初的演讲将是一分钟的电梯演讲. 两队之间有15秒的转换时间. 在电梯游说之后, 所有参赛团队都将展示他们的项目.

法官 will tour the exhibits and meet with the teams that most impressed them 在 the elevator pitches. Following the exhibit round, the judges will meet to select the four finalists. The four teams selected for the final round will present again and the judges will select an overall winner for each track. 在最后一轮中, teams will have 10 minutes to present their business followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. Teams should be prepared for this format and structure their presentations accordingly in order to communicate the most important portions of their pitch to the judges. The schedule for the competition will be made available following the submission deadline.

7. 评估标准

Teams will be judged on the effectiveness and persuasiveness of the presentations, 思想的创新性, 创意的质量, 拟建企业的竞争优势, 有效地讨论财务问题, 以及拟建的管理团队. While all of these criteria will impact who advances and ultimately wins the competition, 最终决定将以投资潜力为基础. Presentations cannot contain fabricated information including (but not limited to) stage of product development, 参与成员的经验, 或者市场调查. 学生团队将使用相同的标准进行评估, but within the context of this is a learning experience to help them improve and with a special focus on innovative ventures.

法官 will use the scorecard included at the end of the guidelines to evaluate each presentation.

8. 公开声明

演示不构成要约出售, 或要约购买的邀请, 这些公司的任何证券, 公司或独资企业. 这样的提议或请求, 如果和何时, will be made only through an offering registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (and applicable state securities regulatory authorities) or under an available exemption from such registration.


奖* for first through third will be awarded as a reimbursement of approved startup expenses.

1st - $2,500

2nd - $1,500

3rd - $1,000
